CSS files are being blocked again

I started hearing about website issues on Friday, and have determined the issue is caused by CSS files not loading due to mixed content errors. It seems to only be affecting a handful of customers.

It is network specific for each user, and affects all devices on an affected network. It is not device or browser specific. I’ve received feedback from three of the four affected users, and in each case when they disable wifi and switch to a cellular network, the website loads and functions as normal. The one user who provided their ISP name, it is Spectrum, which is the same as I have at home (coax) and in the office (fiber).

The last time the issue surfaced, there were at least three different ISPs, so I don’t believe it is ISP specific.

The last time this issue popped up, 6-7 months ago, the affected users were all connecting through the MSP data center, and this is true this time as well. That seems to be the common denominator.

I am unable to replicate the behavior. Using ExpressVPN to jump around the country, I’m only able to connect through the MIA, ATL, IAD, SEA, and SJC.

If there is anyone in the Midwest US that is willing to check the following cdn trace URL and let me know if they connect to the MSP data center, I’d greatly appreciate it.

CDN Trace URL:

Our account is set up with ‘Always use HTTPS’ = On, and with ‘Automate HTTPS Rewrites’ = On. We’ve been using Cloudflare since last September or October. The affected customers visit our site regularly, and this issue just popped up on Friday.

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Hi @ChrisNumber52, that is a strange issue, sorry for the trouble. I’ve not seen mixed content issues come and go and I’ve not seen them only cause issues in certain regions. Do you have a ticket from the past instance? The support team can test the site from multiple locations, to contact Cloudflare Customer Support, login & go to https://dash.cloudflare.com/?account=support and select get more help. Please give Support the complete details and link to your Community post and share the ticket number here as I’d like to keep an eye on it.

Edit - here is the earlier thread, CSS Not Loading for a handful of customers - #14 by shimi

Thanks for the info.

I’ve filed a support ticket, and the number is 1702826.

I’ll update with any new info I get from Support.

Thank you, I see the ticket and have added myself to it to keep an eye on progress.

Hi @ChrisNumber52, hope all is well, when you have a moment, let the support team know your progress. If not, they’ve made a note to reach out to you next week to check on progress.

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