Since Cloudflare does not recognize the country, it blocks because my WAF rule blocks if it is not Europe
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
I use the rule: (not and ip.src.continent ne “EU”) and if I enter the home page of the website with my mobile 15 or 20 times, it blocks me one of them because it does not recognize the country of the IP even though it has been the same IP every time.
My IP is from Spain and Cloudflare doesn’t recognize the country and blocks me.
I am also having this issue where it claims to block me using my own geo rules, and says my country is Uncategorized. However when I search your IP (and mine) on they show their proper locations.
Not to hijack but interestingly, I’m not actually blocked. I can still access my resources, and I can see a list of other IP’s that can are doing the same despite being marked as blocked. Over and over again.
To temporarily solve this problem where Cloudflare does not geolocate the IP I had to put the WAF rule in reverse. If they are not known bots and they are from continents other than Europe = Block. This way it lets in Spain and the Uncategorized
(not and ip.src.continent eq “AF”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “AN”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “AS”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “NA”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “OC”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “SA”) or (not and ip.src.continent eq “T1”)
Uncategorized. Pude replicar el error entrando desde el movil al home de la web protegida mediante regla de cloudflare. La IP es de España y entraba sin problema pero de cada 15 veces ± que entraba recargando alguna la marcaba siendo la misma IP como Uncategorized, con lo cual no cumple la petición la regla WAF y me aparecía el aviso “Lamentablemente ha sido bloqueado”. Poniendo la solución que comento, la regla a la inversa, estoy al menos temporalmente librándome de este problema de Cloudflare.
pretty sure there is a bug in cloudflare. I am getting the same erros, only sporadically. sometimes a request from my IP is UNCATEGORIZED sometimes not.