Content decoding failed

Hello community. Cloudflare randomly serves content that renders as symbols on the client. My best guess is that there is an encoding issue, but I cannot find any pattern on the affected users. Usually, reloading the page would suffice to correct the problem, but affected users don’t always reload the page to check. Moreover, this affects our SEO as google is caching the symbols in some pages instead of the actual content.

Initially, we had excluded Cloudflare from our app (we were only using it on the public website), however we activated cloudflare proxy on our app and users are now reporting the same issue in the app.

The issue may affect the display of the whole page or specific files files.

We have tried many things on our end without success, disabling nextjs compression, brotli, etc. Your help is appreciated.

By the way I raised this issue with support 12 days ago and I’m still waiting for an answer. Is that normal?

image_2024_03_28T13_48_46_644Z (1)

Hi there,

I’m seeing your tickets, and I’ll merge and reply to them shortly. I will however also reply here as it might help someone that has the same problem in the future and lands on this post.

It seems to me that your adblocker is the cause for this behavior at least partially.
All those net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT you shared on the ticket, seem to be related to that.

As for the net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED, take a look as this 1st reply on stackoverflow:

This can happen when an HTTP request’s headers say that the content is gzip encoded, but it isn’t. It doesn’t always happen, as you’ve discovered. But happens occasionally.

  • Check to see if Route::get(‘/’) pointing to the correct controller/code?
  • Check to see if output_compression is added to your php.ini Add this code: zlib.output_compression = On
  • Try going to /config/config.php(this may not be right in your case) and set the following to false $config[‘compress_output’] = FALSE;

Take care.