Connection google site to cloud flare

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

no error number at this stage

What is the error message?

The owner of this domain hasn’t put up a website yet. Try visiting again soon. This domain is registered using Cloudflare Registrar

What is the issue you’re encountering

I’ve created my website on google site. did the connection and parameter in Cloudflare seems not working to access the site . thanks for your help

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I was using the guidance given by google site creating a specific line in parameter file
but nothing is working

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

connect to the site when we get each time the generic Cloudflare page

Screenshot of the error

Could you share the link to it? :thinking:

Looks to be okay with the nameservers and A type of the DNS record being proxied :orange: .

Furthermore, I was presented with the Cloudflare’s default “challenge page” due to your Security options.

Seems like a parking page is active for your domain.
Helpful article to double-check and disable it for your domain:

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Just to cross-check one thing, could you please navigate to the Cloudflare Dashboard under the DNS tab.

Click on the particular CNAME record and click on the red button “Delete”.

Do you get some kind of an error or rather record gets deleted, but it shows up again after some time? :thinking:


thank you I desactivated the parking page following your instruction seems to look for the web page but not succeeding at the end.
so you have an idea?

Now it seems you need to add an A type of DNS record and point it to the IP address of your web hosting/server.

Helpful article:

May I ask do you know how to find it? :thinking:

Looks like from now on, you only have the www record proxied :orange:, which when I visit I get the Cloudflare’s default Challenge page and then I see the redirection issue.

Furthermore, may I ask was your Website working fine over HTTPS both non-www and www prior activating to Cloudflare? :thinking:

May I ask what SSL option have you got selected under the SSL/TLS tab at Cloudflare dashboard for your domain ( Flexible, Full, Full Strict … )?

I’d suggest you to temporary Pause Cloudflare for your site. Wait few minutes. Double-check the origin SSL certificate. Renew it. After the Website works okay over HTTPS, un-pause and all good.

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sorry to say I’m not really a specialist of DNS and other technical points. I was just trying to create a domain via Cloudflare and then connect my website created through google site. you asked me to create a DNS line with A type and then to select the IP address of my hosting server, where can I find this IP address?
thanks for your support.

Thank you for feedback. No problem, we’ll solve the issue and help you.

May I ask if you’ve followed some guidelines or tutorial for this? :thinking:

thank you for your support.
Regarding guidelines/tuto, I’ve tried for sure but this is really complex and I’m getting lost at the end reason why I posted on this support chat

I put there my DNS config if it may help understanding the problem

finally changing elements in dns it works ! great at list with full URL

how now to get rid of www to access directly to the domain name?
I’m sure there is a tip as well
thanks for your help

You cannot point the apex name directly at the Google site, but you can easily perform a redirect from the naked domain to the www site on Cloudflare.

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great will test it as soon as possible

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