Confusion about logs for pages

For Workers & Pages, what is the name of the domain?


What is the issue or error you’re encountering

The documentation is confusing about how to get logs

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have an app deployed using @cloudflare/next-on-pages. I want to read the server logs. I cannot find anything on the Cloudflare dashboard for this, and I have found several conflicting sets of instructions on the docs, none of which seem to work.

Could anyone (ideally someone with a @cloudflare/next-on-pages setup) give me step-by-step instructions to pull the server logs? It seems like maybe the dashboard has diverged from the documentation.

Here is what I tried so far…

Real-time logs · Cloudflare Workers docs says I can view live streaming logs in Workers & Pages → Overview → Worker → Logs. It also says I can persist the logs using Workers Logs which has support for 200,000 per day on the free tier. There is not a section called “Overview”. When I go into my pages worker I don’t see a tab called Logs, just Deployments/Metrics/Custom Domains/Integrations/Settings. My wrangler.json has “observability”: { “enabled”: true } already enabled (guess it’s a default) but I also don’t see a Worker Logs section in the dashboard. (I do see “Analytics & Logs - Workers” — is that the same? — but it’s completely empty)

Debugging and logging · Cloudflare Pages docs says to go to Workers & Pages → Overview → pages deployment → Functions. Again, there is no tab called Functions, just Deployments/Metrics/Custom Domains/Integrations/Settings. Also, this page says logs cannot be persisted on the free tier even though the other page said they could. I’m confused if this is relevant to me and I’m not sure exactly the difference between Functions and Workers (apologies).

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. deploy next-on-pages site
  2. try to find how to view server logs

In your first link, that’s about Workers, not Pages. So that’s a different thing that doesn’t apply in your case here.

In your second link, I think what you’ve missed is that you need to look at a specific deployment. When you’re looking at the list of deployments, on the right side you need to click “View details” on a deployment to look at that deployment. The one on top in the box labeled “Production” is the latest. Once you “View details” to look at that deployment, there will be the Functions tab.

In that tab you can get the real-time log stream. These logs are only for Functions, not requests for static assets, and they do not persist.

This may be confusing because the other link says you can persist them, but the other one is for Workers. Right now Workers and Pages are two different products, each of which has features the other doesn’t.