Configure CORS for R2

Hi, i am a super rookie for this. I tried to store some of my data for analysis on cloudflare R2. And when I read it in python by pandas, it said HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. This also when I try to import the font file stored on R2 in html file. I personally can visit those files by visiting the url (not from a request sent by python script or html file). I know this has something to do with configuring the CORS. However, this is my current configuration:

    "AllowedOrigins": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "ExposeHeaders": [

But it didnt work at all. Can anyone help me? I just need to make the file accessible for non-human requests.

Can you share the URL?

for example, this link:

I can access it by manually visiting it in browser, but scripts, including python and javascript cant get it (403 Forbidden)

and this are my cors settings:

    "AllowedOrigins": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "ExposeHeaders": [