Try the suggestions in this Community Tip to help you fix “Error 523: Origin is unreachable”.
Error 523 indicates that there is an issue in the origin web server and it has become unreachable. The most common cause is that your DNS settings are incorrect. When this happens, you’ll see “Error 523: Origin is unreachable”.
Cloudflare Diagnostic Center
Checks: nameservers, DNSSEC, DS record configuration, if connecting to ‘’ works, if connecting to ‘’ works, & for existing MX records
Quick Fix Ideas
Note that if Always Online is enabled, this status code will trigger an Always Online page to be served.
Contact your hosting provider to confirm your origin IP and then make sure the correct IP is listed for your A records in the DNS tab of the Cloudflare dashboard. Wait up to 5 minutes for the change to take effect.
If you’re using a VPS and your site is configured to use the database at
(your domain) instead of localhost. Since your database is most likely hosted on your VPS, find the config file and set database to use ‘localhost’ without quotes. Update the password as needed. -
It may be a routing issue between Cloudflare’s systems and the origin web server. Make note of the Cloudflare Ray ID on the error page and send it to Cloudflare Customer Support to track down where the connection failed.
If you are confident the problem isn’t your web hosts, please include a traceroute between your origin and one of Cloudflare’s IP addresses, ideally one of the addresses that usually sends requests to your site. See how to run a traceroute test.
If it was working before with HTTP, but not with HTTPS, then it means your server isn’t configured to use HTTPS/SSL for your website. Get your host to install SSL and that should fix it.
If you are using Railgun and are the customer of a Cloudflare Hosting Partner, you should contact that Hosting Partner about this issue. If you are running your own Railgun, then you should contact Cloudflare Customer Support and provide the most recent syslog file from your Railgun server.
Lite Reading
Community Tutorial
Background Resources
Help Center
Research The Issue
If You Need More Help
This community of other Cloudflare users may be able to assist you, login to Cloudflare and post your question to the Community. When you post on the Community make sure to include as much of this information as possible: the specific error message you are seeing, the URLs this is happening on, screen shot of the error, and the steps to reproduce the error. Please indicate what troubleshooting steps you’ve tried in order to help us help you.
Expert Comments Appreciated
This Community Tip will remain open for input from Community experts and those familiar with this issue. We really appreciate comments that start with words like: “The three things I always try”, or “Do this first” or “In my experience”.
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