Try the suggestions in this Community Tip to help you fix Error 1105 when visting a site protected by Cloudflare.
The Error 1105 while visiting a site protected by Cloudflare is a different error than “This zone is temporarily banned and cannot be added to Cloudflare at this time, please contact Cloudflare Support. (Code: 1105)” when trying to add a zone to Cloudflare. If you are seeing Code: 1105, our system will automatically unlock the zone after a period of time, wait and try again later. If you’re seeing Error 1105, try the Quick Fix Ideas to address your issue.
Quick Fix Ideas
You are using Workers and the Worker causes a JavaScript exception. To see any errors, edit the worker and test it with a URL in the preview window. If there are any exceptions, they will appear in the console under the preview window. A quick way to get debug information out of a Worker is to return it as a header value in the response by setting this header value:
response.headers.set("X-Debug", newUrl)
. Other debug suggestions here. -
Check your DNS records and make sure they are correctly pointing to your origin IPs.
Contact your hosting provider and check if there was a 503 coming from the origin server. Check if it is a WordPress site which is currently in maintenance mode and if the maintenance mode returns a 503. If so, Cloudflare sees the 503 error code as a server error and returns the 1105. Your hosting provider can help resolve this issue.
Check to see if the issue can be replicated when you bypass Cloudflare. If you set the subdomain to and it works, try to set it to to reproduce the error.
A Code: 1105 means the domain has attempted to be added too many times in a very short period of time. Wait a few hours and then try adding it again.
Light Reading
Research The Issue
If You Need More Help
This community of other Cloudflare users may be able to assist you, login to Cloudflare and post your question to the Community. When you post on the Community make sure to include as much of this information as possible: the specific error message you are seeing, the URLs this is happening on, screen shot of the error, and the steps to reproduce the error. Please indicate what troubleshooting steps you’ve tried in order to help us help you.
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FXTUCT 110719