.com.au registrar

I was wondering if there is any further info for an eta on when .com.au will become an option in Cloudflare registrar.

In the past during a related support email I was given an eta of roughly the start of 2019 but that getting all the requirements for non standard tld just taking its due time.

I’m more or less just curious.



Unfortunately the community won’t know more about it than you do. Maybe ask @cloonan or @cs-cf

Work for Cloudflare but an outside observer to the process internally. Work is definitely ongoing with the various Country TLD registrars. Watching from the outside it looks like there is a lot (A LOT) of paperwork involved… makes me very happy I am just an observer to be honest.

Announcing dates is hard because until final approval is given you just don’t know. I don’t know the specific status for .com.au but even if we have submitted final paperwork there we’d probably be loathe to provide a guestimate for support because there are just so many variables out of our control.

Unsatisfying answer I admit, but I’ll make sure the PM for Registrar knows our OZ brothers and sisters are eagerly awaiting the announcement.


Thanks all - looking forward to a response on this - very keen to migrate my .com.au domains across to Cloudflare.

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Looking forward to .com.au’s available for registration as well…

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Are we any closer to .com.au / .org.au domains coming to cloudflare? So frustrating.


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Please Cloudflare, let us know when you are planning to become an .au registrar!

I will move everything across, for simplified management and increased confidence.

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Would still love to move everything over

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Is there a timeline on this or is there no motivation from Cloudflare? Considering is AU-Australia APNIC assigned I’d thought it would be embarrassing not to also be auDA Accredited Registrars?

Come on Cloudflare!

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Just adding another vote for .au domains to be added… I have many of them I’d love to transfer across. Get all my domain management in one single place!

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Another vote here for .au domains to be added.

Yep. Me too. Asked over 12 months ago… “working on it” since then…

Hopeful Cloudflare will soon make this possible… :pray: :upside_down_face:


Google Domains now offer the ability to purchase .com.au domains. No support for transferring a domain as of yet. But looks to be a good solution while I wait for Cloudflare. :grinning: :grinning:


Is there an update on this? I am looking to transfer my domain to cloudflare.

.com.au domains…

I’ve only been waiting two years now… soon?

#ComeOnCloudFlare :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, why would you want to so desperately transfer the domain to Cloudflare? It’s not like there are no good registrars out there and Cloudflare still has lots of limitations anyhow.

Still hanging out for this too :slight_smile:

Any update here or even a schedule? :pleading_face:

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