CNAME to google sites

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

The dnschecker don’t recognize the CNAME

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I insert CNAME and don’t recognize
I insert A and is the same

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What the CNAME record in question here ?

O CNAME apontando para

Please! Help me.
I insert cname to and there are nothing.

You cannot publish a CNAME at the apex. Cloudflare will let you create a CNAME at the apex, but uses CNAME Flattening to publish A and AAAA records. If the record is :orange: proxied like yours, you will see Cloudflare IPs in the results.

In order to publish a CNAME, you need to use a hostname below the apex, such as www and it needs to be set to :grey: DNS Only. When you check the CNAME, you will need to query the specific hostname you chose, such as www. It will not be found on a query of the apex name.

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