Dig command does not show any CNAME records after adding my intercom CNAME records in Cloudflare
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS not responding/updating
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
I have added a CNAME record for intercom._domainkey.double.finance in Cloudflare, but after pasting it the root domain is always removed. The changes have propagated a while ago but when I run dig intercom._domainkey.double.finance, I only see an A record.
_domainkey.double.finance is delegated to other nameservers…
dig +trace +nodnssec _domainkey.double.finance
; <<>> DiG 9.18.24 <<>> +trace +nodnssec _domainkey.double.finance
;; global options: +cmd
. 78533 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 78533 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
;; Received 851 bytes from in 1 ms
finance. 172800 IN NS v2n1.nic.finance.
finance. 172800 IN NS v0n2.nic.finance.
finance. 172800 IN NS v0n3.nic.finance.
finance. 172800 IN NS v0n0.nic.finance.
finance. 172800 IN NS v0n1.nic.finance.
finance. 172800 IN NS v2n0.nic.finance.
;; Received 478 bytes from in 54 ms
double.finance. 3600 IN NS veronica.ns.cloudflare.com.
double.finance. 3600 IN NS joaquin.ns.cloudflare.com.
;; Received 116 bytes from 2a01:8840:18::10#53(v0n2.nic.finance) in 259 ms
_domainkey.double.finance. 300 IN NS ns1.dan.com.
_domainkey.double.finance. 300 IN NS ns2.dan.com.
;; Received 97 bytes from in 42 ms
_domainkey.double.finance. 7200 IN A
_domainkey.double.finance. 86400 IN NS ns2.dan.com.
_domainkey.double.finance. 86400 IN NS ns1.dan.com.
;; Received 113 bytes from in 7 ms
If you want to resolve instead from your Cloudflare DNS, delete any NS records for _domainkey from your Cloudflare DNS.