For a long time, We are facing problem in mail id delivery system due to DNS PROBLEM.
Therfore provide me details & update DNS of first India news international We found that cname record is not configured correctly. Therefor we need access of our Domain provider so that we can manually update our DNS record.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
What’s the exact error message that Gmail is reporting?
Better yet, can you share the full NDR from Gmail?
What’s the specific “DNS PROBLEM”?
Unfortunately, I don’t know how we can help you fix a DNS problem without knowing what the DNS problem is.
Who/what told you that you have a DNS problem? Can you confirm from this source exactly what this DNS problem is?
I can see your domain is correctly configured to use Microsoft/Office365 for email. Are you trying to add DKIM authentication? DMARC? Are you trying to authenticate another sender? Something else?