CName not propagating, website showing hosting company

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

My website is showing hosting company’s page “Park Domain Name”

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I changed my DNS to cloudflare and I think the CNAME record is not propagating? I checked that my domain is now under cloudflare’s server but the website is showing the hosting company’s page. I’m not sure what I’ve missed out or what else I can do to bring the website back up? Any insight / help is appreciated. The website is and hosting with hostinger.

Screenshot of the error

You will never see a CNAME in the public DNS system, if your DNS record is set to Proxied (:orange:).

That said, -

Is that “wwwCNAME pointing towards “”, or is there anything more than that, after the cut off?

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Not sure if this is still required🤔

There isn’t really any reason to obscure it, if that’s what you mean with this sentence, as DNS data is public data anyway.

That said, -

It sounds like your hosting provider is requiring that they see their own IP addresses in the DNS system.

In that case, you must change the Proxy status for the relevant DNS record(s) to Unproxied (:grey:) / DNS-only.

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Yes, you’re right. I thought I got the IP right the first time. Thank you - this really helps! :slight_smile:

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