Cloudflare Unique Visitors massively different to Google Analytics

According to Cloudflare our site received 1,430 Unique Visitors in the past 24 hours
It’s also supposed to have had 17,441 Unique Visitors last month.

Google Analytics reports 134 Uniques for the 24 hours and 3,811 for the whole of November.

Why are these stats so wildly different?

I’m sure Google is accurate as our sales definitely don’t equate to over 17,000 unique visitors last month!




Hi @seanchk,

Please see:

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His. Seanchk, if you are using firewall rules (WAF) or otherwise restricting access to some ip’s like vpn , Cloudflare will block the page before Analytics counts it.

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Indeed, quote from the doc :

Finally, it is likely that unique visitor data from the Cloudflare Analytics app is greater than your search analytics unique pageviews. This is because pageviews reflect when someone visits a page via a web browser and loads the entire page. However, when another site or service like a bot, plugin, or API is consuming partial content from your site (but not loading a full page), this counts as a unique visitor in Cloudflare and not as a pageview.