I am afraid not possible to 3306 over a proxied hostname (sub-domain in your case). Cloudflare Tunnels use Cloudflare’s proxy, which only supports proxying HTTP(S) Traffic. Otherwise, you have to use Arbitrary TCP for such case.
Furthermore, do you need connections to the database or to manage it? If you’d need to manage it, then you can install and configure phpMyAdmin with a lightweight web server and bound it to a HTTP(S) port to the localhost to manage database(s).
I appreciate the info but I’m not sure I understand. I have this working and there are instructions on the internet that show it works. In my case it’s working on one client connected to the server via the cloudflared tunnel and not working on another.
On the 2nd one, is it the same installation and setup?
No firewall configured or that something might be blocking it?
Wonder if you can have the same login for 2 clients at the same time (despite it shouldn’t cause an issue) connected. Are you using the same or different credentials and user for both WARP and MySQL DB?
Did you limited connections in your MySQL configuration file?
a) Not identical setup. 2nd computer is a co-worker machine so can’t guarantee idential.
b) Firewall = good point. I’ll have do some discovery here.
c) SQL = using same tcp setup (which should be an issue) and same credentials (same). Will test on another computer that I have control over to see if I can connect on both at the same time without issue. using the same login / credentials on boht initially to eliminate this as an issue.
d) Cloudflared tunnel = different installation… meaning different computers have individual installs but used the same install process as noted above on both.
The idea to test on another machine in my control and to check firewall issues on Client B are promising.