Cloudflare support unresponsive re: lifting pages quota

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Cannot add more Cloudflare Pages from a single Github repo

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Filed a support ticket (Case # 01135357) to lift the per-repo quota. We need the quota increated to 30 for the gojilabs/ssw-meetings repository and 100 for gojilabs/ssw-meetings-static-builder (which we will exhaust if all goes well in the next year). Happy to discuss further in the support ticket.

Screenshot of the error


Thank you for sharing your ticket number here with us.
I’ve escalated your case to the team.

Kindly and patiently wait for a reply.

You can request an increase on the Limit Increase Request Form

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Hi @gojilabs my colleagues in Support have indicated the limits were adjusted. If you run into any issues, create another topic here and we can assist.

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