Cloudflare still showing pending on both sites

What is the name of the domain?

‘’ & ‘’

What is the issue you’re encountering

Zone files has been update 7 days ago

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Screenshot of the error

You need to update your nameservers at your registrar, not at your current DNS Host. I see your current Registrar for both is “Lexsynergy Limited”, would need to reach out to them/use their portal.

You can see your nameservers at your registrar via whois, ex:
whois on linux or one of the many public googable whois lookup websites showing
Name Server:
Name Server:

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Hi Chaika

thank you.
I have emailed them, let see,
Otherwise I need to move my domains as it really a pain to do things and send mails…

Good day

Please, can you test/check for me again?

Both look ok to me, should show as “Active” + activated email for them both as well. doesn’t work in web browser because it doesn’t have any A/AAAA records

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