The Cloudflare SSL is not working on my site. I have used flexible & Full but still, SSL is not activated. I am Using Wordpress & a really simple SSL plugin.
How can I fix this?
Thank You.
The Cloudflare SSL is not working on my site. I have used flexible & Full but still, SSL is not activated. I am Using Wordpress & a really simple SSL plugin.
How can I fix this?
Thank You.
can you share your domain?
Is your hosting a Cloudflare partner?
Do you have DNS configurations in Cloudflare dashboard?
I’m asking this because right now your site is showing your hosting IP address and not Cloudflare.
Give a look to this tutorial from your hosting:
I think you missed step 4, pointing your domain to Cloudflare
thanks for sharing this tutorial. I have already implemented the steps mentioned in this post.
Now in my Cloudflare dashboard, it is showing Pending Nameserver Update. After clicking my domain name, in the overview page, it’s showing domain transfer complete. But in the Whois, it is showing Cloudflare nameserver.
The issue is fixed now. It was because of hostinger, they have 4 name server & just removed name server 3 & 4 of hostinger & it works for me.
Thank You.
Hi @Rui
After converting my URLs to Https by site went down.
It is displaying - This site can’t provide a secure connection
hardwareneeds.com sent an invalid response.
I did a for
and found Community Tip - Fixing ERR SSL PROTOCOL ERROR . I’d check quick fix ideas 3 & 4 and take a look at your DNS records.
If you need more help please describe here how is your SSL configuration:
hi @Rui
Thanks for your reply. The issue is fixed now. I was because of my Host. I contacted my host & they told me to activate the SSL certificate in Hpanel.
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