Cloudflare resolves to unreacheble IP

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

When proxy is activated some customers cannot reach a web behind Cloudflare’s proxy

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Deactivating proxy mode “solved” the issue. When DNS resolves to origin server everything is working.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

When proxy is active in @ and www registers, some customers get these IPs from DNS resolution:


Some (or all) of this IPs won’t reply to the customer, who is located in Spain (the provider is “Telefonica”), so the web will be unavailable for him.

Currently, Cloudflare is either Paused or you’ve switched to unproxied :grey: (DNS-only) :thinking:

Wonder if the ISP is restricting some of the Cloudflare IPs or even more.
There were cases where ISPs blocked Cloudflare IPs.
Unfortunately, I am afraid you cannot change the proxied :orange: IP address. Eventually it will change overtime, but that’s something which I am afraid we cannot affect.

I’d suggest reaching out to the ISP provider for more detailed information.

Thanks for your replay.

Yes, currently Cloudflare is in DNS-only, as it will not work for some customers otherways.

May be the ISP is restricting some of the Cloudflare IP, and I understand it can change overtime, but:

  1. If client’s IP is in Spain, why is Cloudflare replying with a IP from Colombia? It’s 5,000 miles away, shouldn’t anycast choose a location nearer the requester?
  2. We’ve been trusting Cloudflare for 10 years now, with nothing but benefits. If something went wrong, 99,99% was not Cloudflare’s fault. But if a web can go down anytime unpredictably with oddly assigned proxied IPs we cannot trust no more.

It is, indeed, a problema with “Telefonica” Network:

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