Cloudflare Registrar’s domain nameservers aren’t matching Cloudflare’s nameservers

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

The domain is pointing to incorrect Cloudflare nameservers.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Verified that Cloudflare is the registrar and DNS manager for the domain.
Checked the nameservers assigned to the domain ( and and confirmed the actual name servers are incorrect ( and
Attempted to find a way to update the nameservers in Cloudflare, but learned that this is not possible for domains registered through Cloudflare.

I then issued a support ticket 5 days ago but have received no responses at all. Request 01366168

I would appreciate any help, can’t do anything at the moment, website is completely down.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Log in to cloudflare, see that the domain name servers are incorrect

Screenshot of the error

It looks like you are logging in to an account that does not contain the registration.
If you want to move the registration to that account, see the steps here: Move a Cloudflare Registrar domain registration between accounts · Cloudflare Registrar docs