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Is it possible to install Cloudflare Railgun on Cloudlinux 7.5?
Hey All
Is it possible to install Cloudflare Railgun on Cloudlinux 7.5?
Not sure but since CL is RedHat/CentOS based there’s a Chance
CloudLinux OS is a Linux distribution marketed to shared hosting providers. It is developed by software company CloudLinux, Inc.[1] CloudLinux OS is based on the CentOS operating system; it uses the OpenVZkernel and the rpm package manager.[
I am just getting some errors with repo, therefor just checking it is possible before i try again and not wasteting to much time.
http://pkg.Cloudflare.com/dists/7/main/binary-x86_64/repodata/primary.xml.gz: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 522 - The requested URL returned error: 522 Origin Connection Time-out
This is the error i am getting, when trying to install Cloudflare Railgun
I have found a work around.
rpm --import https://pkg.Cloudflare.com/pubkey.gpg
rpm -Uvh railgun-stable-5.3.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
yum update -y
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