Cloudflare partner hosted Zone

I am a newbie, I recently signed up hosting with a cloudserver partner. But then I canceled hosting with them. And didn’t delete cloudflare on their site first. Now I can’t manage the DNS zone. This is the message that I got

" Partner hosted zone
Your DNS zone file is hosted by CloudServer , a Cloudflare partner. Manage your DNS records at their website."

How do I change that?

Since nobody else has replied, my suggestion is to use the Overview section of the Cloudflare dashboard to Remove Site from Cloudflare. Hopefully when you re-add it, it will forget that it’s a partner zone. @cloonan?


Thanks for your suggestion. I’ll give it a try.

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Can you share the name of the domain, @hbgraphicsmail?

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I was able to make changes by following @sdayman suggestion. Thank you for everyone’s help.


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