Cloudflare Pages assets take forever (QUIC protocol error)

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Some assets hosted on Cloudflare Pages take like forever to load

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

We’ve encountered the issue that our pages hosted on Cloudflare Pages take like forever to load (and sometimes do the job after 3 minutes) in one affected social home-network. The network has a reliable and fast internet-connection and so we took a look at the “Networks” tab. In fact, the 2MB JS file took > 1 minute to load while other files were sent in a normal and expectable time frame. So, I tested out requesting the file manually in the console using fetch(). In this case, it took over 2 minutes to even resolve the promise of the fetch() method (without any chunks sent yet) and then the net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200 (OK) error message came up. After this error message, the promise of fetch() got fulfilled and the chunks started to be sent in a few seconds (like one would expect).

So, I disabled the QUIC_PROTOCOL feature flag in the chrome settings and the issue disappeared.

We’ve faced the same problem some months ago in a different home-network but it disapeared there since then. The weird part ist that if we change the network of the device, the problem also disapears (without disabling QUIC). So the issue seems to have something to do with the network (because it happens to all devices using the network) AND the QUIC protocol?

Is there a way to disable QUIC for Cloudflare Pages? Is someone facing the same issue?

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

In fact, this only happens with some internet connections. In such a case, just try to load and have a look at the debugger.

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