Recently, it takes around 1.5s just to connect to the site through Cloudflare. My server is hosted in Singapore. By right, Cloudflare should be routing me through Singapore’s server as I access my site from Singapore.
I have seen this article before. Still, I have been routed through Singapore’s server before, but it randomly switches to San Jose, California. Does this mean I’ll sometimes get sub 1s load times with Cloudflare and 2+s load times on Cloudflare randomly?
If the latency to Cloudflare is your main issue, then there is not much you can do. You could try to upgrade to a paid plan where routing might be better.
This website shows me that my site is being routed through Singapore’s data center even on the freeplan, but when I access my site through domain##/cdn-cgi/trace I get San Jose California as the routing data center.
That shouldnt be the case as that site uses the same information. However you said it randomly switches, so that request will simply have gone through Singapore and then you have other requests going through the US.
I suppose it really is up to the ISP whether they want to route my traffic through San Jose or Singapore depending on their load and costs. This however, results in wildly varying response times.
Not sure if switching to a paid Cloudflare plan fixes this since the free plan says it routes through Singapore but doesn’t anyway. Not sure if a paid plan, which also says Singapore, will exhibit similar behaviour.
It’s basically SIN all the way down for all sites tested. No idea why my website routes to SJC randomly sometimes… I guess I’ll have to live with random 2s latency.