Cloudflare keeps changing my domain I want QPP and it changes it to qpp all lower c

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the issue you’re encountering

It won’t accept upper case letters in my domain it keeps changing them to lower case

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Everything under the sun……

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Tried 10 times

Screenshot of the error

I’m starting brand new domain and in trying to purchase it from you it says YES ITS AVAILABLE … I WANT IT TO BE QPP-BOARD.COM. AND IT SAYS AVAILABLE AND WHEN I GO TO BUY IT CHANGES IT TO… all lower case ….

Domain names are not case sensitive - imagine the havoc if QPP, QpP, QPp, etc all went to different domains?

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Welcome to the Cloudflare Community. :logodrop:

You have a discrepancy between the name you are typing,, and the one in your screenshot, For the sake of explanation, let’s ignore that for the moment, as it will not change the answer about uppercase versus lowercase.

There is no such thing as a case-sensitive domain name registration. The names, QpP-boArd.cOm, QPP-BOARD.COM, and are all the same domain name. If you want that name, you will need to overcome your misunderstanding on capitalization in the domain name registration process. Failure to do so will result in you not being able to register that name.

Dear Epic Network you have address my key issue exactly… just so we are clear when my email appears in the receivers inbox can I have it appear as ?

Even though when I hit the purchase button to buy this domain and I type it as and it comes back as

Thank you for tolerating my limited understanding of domains nomenclature… :). #notageek

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The name that appears in the recipient’s email inbox usually comes from the From field which is contained in the email message and set by your email program. I say usually only because the recipient could configure their email program to show some other value, usually set through their address book. (For example if you wanted email from you mother’s address to always display as “Mom”, you might be able to set that in some email apps.) Normally, though, the recipient will see the name exactly as you configure it. This means it should appear as if that is what you have entered in your email software.

Cheers mate I’m up and running already …. All the best, Len


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