Hi Doug,
Confusion indeed. I have a simple wordpress site with its own image library, it sizes images and inserts the right image into posts, etc. Best part, it uploads images to the right places as part of writing a post. simple.
What I want is more of a CDN, to offload my images to cloudflare, even for a fee. The confusion starts here…
I’m looking up image setup, but wait, did search answer my images question, or talk about cloudflare’s images feature? The CF “images” feature does “transfoormations” but wait, for CDN type use I have to create a transformations rule, but these are different things than image transformations?
I Upload my library of wordpress images to CF, fine, but didn’t that make wordpress harder to use? I mean, I’m not going to want to manually upload 10 images every post I make nor am I going to want to lose my self-hosted library of images, just writing posts will be more complicated to “match up” images. Etc, confusion goes on…
CF has smart developers, I have no doubt the confusion is on my end, but I’m trying to search for my own answers and search itself is confused, since the helpful update at least. I have image questions, not image questions. I need transformations guidance, but not transformations guidance? I can use my wordpress library of images, but not my library of images on wordpress?
Upload images to “transform” them, don’t transform them, this is self-hosting, its free to use, but you can’t use it free, its a can of worms to learn about right now for the first time, though I imagine it was easier pre-HCU search, or when AI search thought it was helping with “mistakes”… you don’t even want to know what chatgtp has to say once it goes down this rabithole…
So yeah, I’m confused, my CF account got confused with updating when feature changes were made and my trying to learn myself at that time has made me learn as much “wrong” as right…
Anyway, I now have an “images” account, I think it can do things like deliver .jpg images in avi format, it can deliver them from CF (imagedelivery.net) and not my much less powerful hosting, I have a wordpress library of images, but does it come with more work on the “posting content” front, its not clear to me (yet) that I am going to create more work for myself while posting … posts… by offloading my library from my own site/host.
To try and be clear.,… I’m willing to pay, I need CDN type behavior for my images, I have CF cache of images already, though it seems to last 5 minutes right now before turning back to a cache miss. I’m trying to speed up my site. My CF account not being able to update that I had just signed up for CF images via credit card has left ME confused about what images and its transformation even is.(and isn’t).
Sorry, and thank you for any help, when I go to my images dashboard on free (for now) version and get offers to buy 100k or more “transformations”… I can’t picture how posting on my wordpress site will look yet.
I did find this - WordPress plugin for Cloudflare Images available and it sounds good but is it? I’m so confused now. sorry.