What is the name of the domain?
What is the issue you’re encountering
When I first created my cloudflare account, I was sent a verification email that I clicked on and followed all the necessary steps to verify my account including purchasing my own domain. When I was trying to set up a cloudflare tunnel on my device, I was redirected to the page “Authorize Cloudflare Channel” in order to authorize my channel. I saw the domain I set up as one of the options for me to authorize, but when I tried to authorize the channel I got the error that my email has not been verified yet. Going to my profile also showed my email hasn’t been verified yet even though I clearly already verified it. While trying to re-verify my email, I was prompted for a domain, where I tried to put the name of domain that I just bought, but it said that that domain was already being used which I’m assuming is because I already verified my email using that domain. I need to reverify my email but I don’t want to buy another domain, I want to use the domain I bought. I was wondering if there was any way around this issue. Thanks!