Cloudflare error 1020 Suddenly appearing on my site

One of my sites on Cloudflare has suddenly been blocked by the following error and Ray ID

Error 1020 Ray ID: 4ecf3a9b4f19c514 • 2019-06-26 12:36:48 UTC

Access denied

What happened?

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 4ecf3a9b4f19c514

I had to undo all proxies in order for the site to resolve. Now I have been with Cloudflare close to a year and this never happened. All of my other sites are resolving fine still, it is just this one site that is experiencing this. I have no idea what causes a 1020 nor do I know how to figure out the ray ID and match it to anything.

Any assistance would be appreciated. I feel insecure with my site not having the proxies at this point.


It sounds like you may have read the article I’m going to link to, but do you see the denial in your Firewall Events log? (Cloudflare dashboard, Firewall tab).

I cant seem to find why I was blocked, but everyone was blocked by this yet I do not see the exact reason other than a filter number in my firewall events log.

Filter: ed2a4fed2f6941ce89e539fe8e15977b

I believe the “Filter” means it’s a Firewall Rule you created, such as blocking per country, referrer, etc. Somebody figured out how to pin down which Firewall Rule is identified by that Filter ID. Maybe it was @sandro.

Ok I found it. Thanks for the help you can close this


If you are on the old UI you can only do this via full export via the API and then search for the filter ID.

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