Cloudflare device enrollment rules and auth help

What is the name of the domain?


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Hi all, I have a problem with my device enrollment rules and app launcher access rules. Posted my config. When I try to access “domain” or “domain” then it just errors out. When i try to access “domain” it either says “This account does not have access” to my github account (Im sure its the right one), or just doesnt send me the password email when i enter my email address. And on the “domain” i just get 403 error (forbidden). Anybody knows what ive dont wrong? Thanks

device enrollment rules for “Everyone”: (same with app launcher rules)
Type Selector Value
Include Everyone Everyone
Include Group Admin
Require Email list Everyone emails
Require Emails ending in ,
Require Login Method
One-time PIN , GitHub
Require Group Everyone

nevermind, found a solution

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