Cloudflare and Stress Testing our site using

Hi, I’m new to load testing and want to load test our site. was recommended to me as a tool to do this. What do I need to do to prepare our Cloudflare configuration for a stress test? I don’t want to have Cloudflare think that we have a ddos attack.

thanks in advance for any tips or references.

Hi @bbg, there is nothing the team will need to prepare for you to run the test. But, if you want to confirm the times for the tests (what hour/timezone do you intend to run them in) and information about the test clients’ location & request rate, you can login to Cloudflare and share that with Cloudflare Support before the tests so they are aware of the tests. Thank you!

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I’ve done this without notification. Nobody yelled at me. It was a relatively quick test.

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