Cloudflare account not sending verification email

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I have treid over a dozen times to send the verification email and even tried changing my email address. The verification email will not send (and is not in the spam folder). I saw on another ticket (Cloudflare account not sending verification email to any address), that there may be something on Cloudflare’s end they need to update to make it work. Can you help? My domain is Thanks!


Thank you for asking.

I am sorry to hear this.

May I ask if the email address onto which you’re not receiving verification emails is the same for your Community account and Cloudflare account, or you’re using a different one? :thinking: I advise not to share it here in a reply, just to confirm. Thank you.

Could be your e-mail address is on the suppression list.

May I also ask if you’re receiving other emails from Cloudflare to this particular e-mail address?

In the meantine, just to be sure please make sure you allow all emails from [email protected] and [email protected] to prevent any issue.

I noted the team about this case.

Kindly and patiently wait for a reply.

I had to create a new account to open a topic here since i cant confirm the other account.
Answering the other question, i didnt recive any email from Cloudflare in this e-mail address no


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Just recived the confirmations e-mails. Thank you so much!


Thank you for the confirmation @gabrielgfernandes04

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