Client Disconnected

For Workers & Pages, what is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?

Client Disconnected

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

I’m encountering a around 1 million+ error (Client Disconnected) of total 20 million requests, with my Cloudflare Workers, which causes some requests to fail.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

My worker fetch an mp3 file from a storage, cache it in Cloudflare then stream it using TransformStream API, or stream it directly from Cloudflare cache if it already exists.
I know that Client disconnected does not necessarily imply an error, but I need to validate and verify that the error is not at my side.
I check logs, but I can’t see any non-normal exceptions or file sizes, the file sizes are around 10MB

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

There are no specific steps, the exceptions happens around the day with different file sizes.
The only thing I noticed that exceptions spikes really high from 11:00 PM to 08:00 AM

Hey, could you please provide the worker name? So we can check for you.
But this “Client disconnected” error normally indicates that the HTTP client (that is, the browser) disconnected before the Worker could complete the request.
This issue is client-side and typically happens due to client-side timeouts or manual disconnections, rather than any limitations imposed by Cloudflare Workers Since:

There is no hard limit on the duration of a Worker. As long as the client that sent the request remains connected, the Worker can continue processing, making subrequests, and setting timeouts on behalf of that request.

Also, for more information: Metrics and analytics · Cloudflare Workers docs

Thanks for your reply, the worker name is : audiobooks