Hello - first I’ve read through alot of the FAQ and I see alot of questions regarding transferring DNS into Cloudflare – and all the questions I see about changing registrars state that Cloudflare doesn’t allow you to change the NS records, if Cloudflare is not your registrar.
Here’s my situation: I am IT support for a company that was using a web-host to manage their domains/websites. We have been tasked with moving a handful of these domains over to GoDaddy – the original Registar was Namecheap, and all of the domains have been setup to proxy through Cloudflare, i.e Cloudflare is hosting the DNS files for each of these domains.
We need to move the DNS hosting over to GoDaddy for 3 of the 4 domains on Cloudflare. Doesn anyone know how I would go about doing this? Right now GoDaddy is pointed at the cloudflare DNS servers, and I would like to change the NS to GoDaddy’s and then point Cloudflare over to GoDaddy.
Any info would be helpful. Thanks again