Change Nameservers in

I’m trying to change the nameservers of my website to:

seth.ns.Cloudflare . com
When I do that in Aruba (where my DNS are currently managed) I keep getting an error message that reads:
“I NameServer inseriti non sono validi, puoi controllarli tramite la pagina”.
I follow the correct procedure by only updating the Host records and not the IP address field…
I contacted Aruba’s support, but so far no reply…
I haven’t found a solution so far searching this community or Google…
Has anyone faced this issue before?

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Whats your domain?

Cloudflare currently announces arnold and gina as nameservers, not the ones you mentioned. It will be the same issue as the one in the mentioned thread.

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uhm…weird…the ones I used are the NS that I see in Cloudflare’s dashboard and that I successfully used to day for other 2 sites… I might try to use the ones you provided though, and see what happens…Thanks

Please read the linked thread. It explains in detail what the issue is.

ok, sorry, didn’t realize that. I’ll read that thread and proceed as indicated.
Thanks again.

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