CF_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE Cloudflare Zero Trust: Gateway with WRAP on macOS 15

Additional information

DNS policies

What is the error number?

Status: Unable to Connect Error reason: Failed DNS Lookup Check Error code: CF_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE Error description: Could not connect because of DNS lookup failure. Learn more: Client errors | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

What is the error message?

Status: Unable to Connect Error reason: Failed DNS Lookup Check Error code: CF_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE Error description: Could not connect because of DNS lookup failure. Learn more: Client errors | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

What is the issue you’re encountering

Upgrading the OS

Screenshot of the error

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This appears to be related to incoming connections being blocked by the OS firewall for the warp-dex process. Once they are allowed connectivity is restored.

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System Settings β†’ Network β†’ Firewall β†’ Options β†’ Block all incoming connections[Disable] β†’ Set Allow incoming connections on CloudflareWRAP β†’ Block all incoming connections[Enable] β†’ ZeroTrust[Connect]

It worked.

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