I had a developer look at my site and he suggested that I use a CDN to offload the images on my site. I already used Cloudflare’s CDN Pro version but I wasn’t sure how the images on my site were being handled with my Cloudflare Pro account. He told me to “reach out to Cloudflare, they should be able to ensure you are all set up and the images should offload automatically”. We had this message exchange because my site’s performance needed some tending to. I have over 10,000 images and I read that performance could be improved if the images were on their own server. When I told him this he suggested that I contact Cloudflare but I didn’t actually confirm whether it is advisable to place the images on their own server. By the way, this is a wordpress self hosted site LA Progressive
“I have over 10,000 images and I read that performance could be improved if the images were on their own server.”
This is exactly what Cloudflare is doing. Images are stored at different edge servers, and when there is a visitor, the cache image from Cloudflare is served.
Here is how you can check if your content is being cached.
On Google chrome, press the F12 key and you navigate to the Network tab.
In the network tab, click on the Img tab to filter images.
Click on any images and you should a cf-cache-status. If it shows HIT like how it is in the screenshot, then your image is already cached by Cloudflare.
As a general note, Cloudflare caches all static resource which includes images.
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