Hi, I have a site (biblicomentarios.com) in Siteground and a free account in Cloudflare. I set the Cloudflare configuration so my domain and DNS is managed through Cloudflare. So, in SiteGround, Cloudflare is not activated.
I want to activate Railgun, but the Railgun Settings button sends me to this page → https://www.cloudflare.com/a/account/railgun , where I have nothing (no products, no apps) and there’s no indication about what I must do next. I understand that I can use Railgun with my free account, but I don’t know what I must do. May you help?
You’ll need to pick a name for your Railgun instance and put it in the “Enter new Railgun name” field. Once you do that you’ll see links to guide you through the setup and configuration.
I can’t find the screen you’re talking about. This is what I see in the page I’m sent (https://www.cloudflare.com/a/account/railgun). There’s not space there to write, or “Railgun” tab.
I’m sorry. If you sign up directly with Cloudflare it is a BIZ and above feature. If you opt to instead setup Cloudflare through SiteGround it should be available.