Cant upload new pages files

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What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Cant upload new pages files, brower tab freezes

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I am just trying to upload some html, css files for a simple static website. I have tried uploading the folder and also as a zip file but the upload page just becomes unresponsive. Never had this issue before. usually its super straight forward and simple but the site just freezes and I have to close the tab.

Using Direct Upload via Dashboard? :thinking:
Are you using “Folder” or “ZIP” upload?

Have you tried with a different Web browser or in Incognito Mode?

Maybe you’ve got too much files so it freezes, or takes too much RAM of your device.

HI, yes i have tried 3 browsers and boths as a ‘folder’ and also ‘zip’ they both jsut freeze the browser tab and nothing happens. I have a several pages sites including this one. Im just updating a current pages site that i have done many times before. Never had an issue until now. Im on an M4 mac with 64gb of RAM so that shouldnt be the issue hope.

Thank you for feedback. Interesting :thinking: