Can't upgrade from Free to Pro

I have seen similar posts just from Google-searching the issue. I know where the button is to upgrade once I’ve signed in but after I complete payment fields and ‘next’, it just hangs forever and never completes.

The responses to the other 2 or so posts were inadequate and I wonder what became of them. I’ve set up my DNS both with the host and my 2 domains on Cloudflare so it would be a total pain to have to undo and redo all of that again. Anyway, I just can’t believe Cloudflare isn’t able to convert free to paid.

I have of course tried submitting tickets on the topic but being on a free plan, they never get seen. I have tried calling but can only leave messages that aren’t returned. I’m not sure this is a good start to what was potentially a long-term business partnership. Unable to sign up. Unable to communicate.

If anyone has any advice, that’d be great. This is my last attempt at resolution. Cheers.

Hi, sorry for the issues. We had some issues with that and a couple that I saw here were actually upgraded, but the dash was slow to indicate it. If you share your ticket number here I can check the status and follow up.

Thanks. Ticket is 1775584.

Hi, I see your tickets and have made notes on both of them. The zone is still showing as free and I see the ticket has been assigned to an engineer, I’ll follow up with them and keep and eye on progress.

Thanks. The main ticket is the upgrade. The older ticket about DNS config can wait till I’m on paid support…

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