Cant pay for domain renual "No Payment added" Domain expires in a few days

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?

account does not have payment method set up

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am unable to renew my domain. I am concerned about losing it because I cannot set up a payment method. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue, ASAP? My previously set-up payment method has disappeared. I’m unable to set up a new payment method, whether using a credit card or PayPal. It briefly shows a green message saying “payment method added,” but then displays a red message stating, “account does not have a Payment Method Set up”. I’ve tried different cards and cleared the browser cache and etc. It’s definitely an error at your end.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

tried using different browsers, including Safari and Brave (both in incognito mode and with the cache cleared). I have also attempted using multiple credit cards and various payment methods, including PayPal. Everything is functioning correctly on my end, as the cards and banks work without issues, except when interacting with Cloudflare.
Have opened 2 tickets with Cloudflare over a month ago with no response at all and called the
support line left messages with no call backs… this is going to affect my business if its not solved asap

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?

Payment issue

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

dash.cloudflare - billing - payment

Screenshot of the error


I suspect you reached a sales line, there is no phone Support for customers on free plans.

Sorry for the issues, can you try now? Please try again from incognito mode.

Just tried again on an incognito mode browser with papal and entering my card info still getting the same error

I would also love to upgrade my plan to get the future support but i can not as none of the payment methods work.