Cant load website after changing the nameservers!

Hi, I have a problem, when I change the name servers to Cloudflare nameservers BURT.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM , HERA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM I cant load my website. I use Freenom for my domains and before I changed the nameservers to Cloudflare everything was going fine. My domains are and a subdomain I cant load any of them…
Here are my settings on Cloudflare:

It’s…kind of working for me. I see Cloudflare name servers in WHOIS, and one browser loads the generic NGINX page, but Firefox which uses Cloudflare’s DOH isn’t finding it. It may just take some time for DNS to catch up.

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Okay, I will wait.
Thank you very much for all the answers and for the quick response :smiley:

There may be issues with the root nameservers for the .cf TLD.

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It is all working now. I just had to wait, the dns was pretty loaded at the time so it wasnt processing requests fast enough.

Thank you for all the answers!

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