I contacted a shopify guru and they had no clue… I also can’t get it to work right does anyone know how to connect a subdomain with shopify ?
This is what i currently have
CNAME → marketplace → is an alias of “shops.myshopify.com ”
A → apptivity.io → points to [IP Removed by mod]
I’m seriously about to paypal someone $100 this is becoming BEYOND frustrating.
Hey before I look about shopify you should edit your post to redact your origin IP!
I did find this article, have you seen it?
Yeah that doesn’t work… I don’t have SSL available and i keep getting redirects.
DNS should be something like:
A -> domain.xyz -> origin IP
CNAME -> marketplace -> is an alias of domain.xyz
I checked the subdomain you listed and it appears to be working now…?
Yeah but the SSL isnt picking up so nobody can buy.
Ah so i got it working but there is still some weird redirect stuff going on. You have to go directly to https://marketplace.apptivity.io
Oh I see. Have you “activated SSL on shopify” for your site? On the Cloudflare SSL/TLS app you need to change your SSL mode to ‘Full (strict)’ if you have, or ‘Full’ if you haven’t.
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Got it! Thats what i just found out
Thanks a ton for helping me troubleshoot!
Sure no problem, that is why the community is here
July 21, 2017, 12:06am
that is why the community is here
This thread makes me so happy.
Kudos to @anon13938084 and thanks to @joshbedo for your patience.