Cant change VAT and type of my account

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What is the issue you’re encountering

After an unsuccessful attempt to pay Business plan, an error popped up, then the ability to select the type of account and VAT number disappeared. Then we did not try to add anew the card again, because we want the VAT number to be completed. We found that when we refresh the page, the previous information we entered is displayed for a few milliseconds. Perhaps this blocks us from seeing the VAT/GSR field. The picture in the attachment shows what appears for a fraction of a second during loading, then disappears and information about the payment to complete appears, but without the ability to enter the VAT/GSR number and select the type of account. The data that appears for a moment are the data we entered earlier, when the error occurred.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?

Payment issue

Screenshot of the error

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