Hmm, digging a little bit deeper on your domain, there is another issue regarding that.
You have an incorrect DNSSEC configuration at the moment, which turns your issue to become similar to the one I’ve previously mentioned in Edge Certificates (pending validation Txt) 24hr+ - #2 by DarkDeviL.
As such, Cloudflare doesn’t find any record(s) to import, as the cryptographic DNSSEC signatures do not verify properly.
Go to
(or DK Hostmaster) Selvbetjening:
→ DK Hostmaster selvbetjening -
→ Punktum dk selvbetjening -
Scroll down to the “DNSSEC-service”:
You should here have at least one DNSSEC key, with the same information 2371 - ECDSAP256SHA256 as indicated here.
However, that DNSSEC key would say either “ Fejl” or “
Error” instead, depending on your language selection.
Delete that DNSSEC key.
The DNS records generally come from your hosting provider, so if you would like to continue having your website hosted with
, but just move the DNS management (as it appears you’re trying to do) to Cloudflare, then the DNS record(s) would come from
, where you have your hosting.
Cloudflare does however try to import several well-known record(s), such as e.g. the A
records for your naked domain, and for www
, and the MX
records (related to inbound email traffic) during the onboarding process, to ease the work for you.
However, that seems not possible at the moment, due to the incorrect DNSSEC configuration mentioned above.
Once you have deleted that DNSSEC key, as mentioned above, wait at least 2 hours, and then try again.
No worries, and absolutely no need to be sorry. We can’t all be good at everything.