Can't access live chat support after upgrading to business account

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Basically the same issue this guy is having Does Business Plan have Live Chat support?

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Hi! I have tried using different browsers, clearing cache, incognito mode, and even using an VPN, Ive also tried using my phone
I followed this guy’s advice, Does Business Plan have Live Chat support? - #7 by cloonan
except when I get to the “Request a Chat” button it shows a pop up like the one in my screenshot then takes me to this page: Cannot locate dashboard account | Cloudflare Support docs

I have already opened a support ticked titled “Can’t access Cloudflare Help Center My Activities."(01247521) and have gotten no response.

Screenshot of the error

Hi @bolting_sonic,

I am seeing that our support team is already working on your case! We will follow up with you further over the ticket.

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Thank you!

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