Cannot Review My Page url

Recently i got hacked, Cloudflare suspected my website as phishing. I have clean up some malicious script in my server.
It show 2 url that suspected as phishing activity, one url has reviewed and gone from dashboard.
Remaining url which is site wide page rule cannot be reviewed. When i click review button it throw me 1004 error notification. i have contacted support but i’m just free user, how long it will be fixed ?
Cloudflare still show my website page as Warning : suspected Phishing ahead

Hi @pon9otribe, what is your ticket number with support?

Hi @cloonan, 1684300.
CF support team has has contacted me 8 hours ago.
They say something problem with DNS Routing because not fully propagated. Email said try again 5 minutes, but till now it keep throwing 1004 notification.
I dont know anything about dns, i check it on registar name server still have cool name “zeus”.

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