I have been looking at this post ( https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024520152-Understanding-Cloudflare-Firewall-Analytics ) which says I should have an "Export " button on my Firelwall > Overview section. I am on the Pro Plan but this option is not present. Is this correct? Any ideas?
Hi @threepinplug,
The option is there for me on the Firewall > Overview page (biz plan), if you scroll down past the graphs & charts ot the section titled ‘Activity log’
I don’t have a pro plan to check this on, I don’t see it on ‘Free’ (as expected), but the article does suggest it is available on Pro plans - I have checked and it is visible on Biz.
Maybe someone else here has a pro plan and can confirm.
Possibly @matteo or @sdayman?
Hmm… OK, thanks for the screenshot! Perhaps one of the others can confirm if they see the same on Pro as the article isn’t overly clear on what plan that applies to, although it does mention all the paid plans in the article.
I can confirm, no export button on the Pro plan.
In which case, @threepinplug it may be worth contacting support for clarification on that atricle.
Another confirm. Not on Pro Plan, but it’s there on a Business Plan.
The article has been updated and now specifies that the export option is only available for Business and Enterprise domains:
Export activity log data
Business and Enterprise domains can export a set of up to 500 raw events from the Activity log section of firewall analytics by clicking the Export button. The data is in JSON format.