Cannot cancel Billing!

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the issue you’re encountering

I have been trying for MONTHS to cancel a subscription for a domain that I dont even have on CF anymore! I click the edit button and I get a 404. I tried submitting a support ticket [ #3270227] back in MAY that took a month to get a completely unhelpful canned response. CF keeps charging my card and I can’t stop it! I responded to the ticket in June and have nothing. I haven’t been able to remove this subscription since Janurary. I was able to downgrade to a “Lite” plan (not even advertised) to reduce the charges. I thought if I added the NS back to the domain it’d allow me to cancel. NOPE. Now I have 2 subscriptions for the same domain now. One free one Lite. How CF managed to screw up this bad and for this long is beyond me. This stopped being an “issue” and became FRAUD long ago…

In what area can we help you?


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Same here…

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