Cannot bind vectorize index in Pages function settings

For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

No ‘Add binding’ button in Pages vectorize index binding section.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I followed the steps of this document: Bindings | Cloudflare Pages docs

But I can’t see ‘Add binding’ button.

I have already created a vector index via Wrangler CLI, and my wrangler.toml also contains the corresponding configuration, and deployed in both preview and production.

Screenshot of the error

Do you see your index here:
You will need at least one index to bind - if we see none that’s where you get the “Get started” button

I don’t see any items.

I’ve created one before (called ft-content-index) and bound it in another Worker and it worked perfectly, but my Pages can’t bind it.

@Walshy I still can’t see any items in dashboard, even though I’ve created another one via wrangler.

npx wrangler vectorize create text-index --metric=cosine --dimensions=768
🚧 Creating index: 'text-index'
✅ Successfully created a new Vectorize index: 'text-index'
📋 To start querying from a Worker, add the following binding configuration into 'wrangler.toml':

binding = "VECTORIZE"
index_name = "text-index"

Hey, I’m thinking this is due to Vectorize v2 - Changelog | Vectorize

I’ll need to chat with that team and figure out what the path forward is here, I’m not sure if there’s a different API that’s meant to be used.

You should be able to use wrangler.toml for now to configure instead of dash - Configuration - Wrangler

I’ll try and get the dash sorted out sometime next week.

Hi @micooz. We have been able to stabilize things a bit on the Vectorize end. Wanted to check if you are still facing this issue?

issue resolved, thank you.

Thank you for your confirmation. Please feel free to reopen this thread or post on if you face any issues.