Cannot activate Advanced Certificate Manager (Error 1000)

I am trying to signup for Advanced Certificate Manager but it returns bot a success message as well an error:

Advanced Certificate Manager is now a part of your plan.
Internal Server Error (Code: 1000)

Sorry for the issues, can you give it a try again from an incognito browser?

If you keep getting the error, can you create an Account ticket and share your ticket number here? You can open an Account ticket here,

Hi @cloonan, thanks for your support.

I tried to open a ticket (#3177710), but the response said that the cannot handle this type of ticket :frowning:

Thank you, I see your ticket, it’s open and I added myself to it to track progress. There was an issue over the weekend Cloudflare Status - Issues with Cloudflare's Pay-as-you-Go Plans that may have affected your account.

Is the account where you’re purchasing ACM the same as you are using here? I don’t see that as active and suspect the purchase did not go through as I do not see an invoice. When did you purchase ACM?

yes, i tried using my account last friday


We wanted to let you know that our Billing team has already responded directly to the ticket you submitted #3177710. You should have received a detailed answer to your request. Please check your inbox or the ticket’s status for their response.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Thank you.

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